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Optimisation in X-ray and Molecular Imaging 2015

28-30th May 2015 in Gothenburg, Sweden

We welcome you to Optimisation in X-ray and Molecular Imaging 2015 - the 4th edition of the Malmö Conference on Medical Imaging and the first to be held in Gothenburg! The Malmö Conference on Medical Imaging is a successful series of scientific conferences focusing on optimisation of medical imaging, with special emphasis on image quality evaluation and radiological protection.

The conference is intended for a broad audience of medical physicists, radiologists, nuclear medicine physicians, engineers and radiographers, as well as representatives for authorities and manufacturers.

The conference covers the following topics:

- Recent technological developments and their clinical impact
- Assessment of clinical images and observer performance studies
- Modelling procedures
- Physical measurements and quality assurance programs
- Optimisation in radiology and nuclear medicine
- Image display, monitors and their environment
- Computer aided detection/diagnosis
- Patient dosimetry and reference doses/activities
- Occupational exposure
- Education and training


Download the final programme - including conference information, time schedule and abstracts of all presentations - here: OXMI2015


Welcome to Gothenburg 28-30 May 2015

Lars Gunnar Månsson
Chairman of the Local Organizing Committee

Magnus Båth
Chairman of the Scientific Committee


Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg - University of Gothenburg
Skåne University Hospital, Malmö - Lund University
Helmholtz Zentrum München - IRS Liverpool
Swedish Society for Radiation Physics