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Exhibitors & sponsors

We invite potential exhibitors and sponsors to join the conference Optimisation in X-ray and Molecular Imaging 2015, 
28-30th May. The exhibition will be placed in the lobby where the conference delegates have their coffee breaks, with the same opening hours as the conference.
The Exhibitors will have a good opportunity to promote their activities and products in this area. 

Exhibition rate
The cost for five square meters exhibitor area is 12.500:- SEK excl. VAT. The fee includes a table, chair,  access to electricity, one free delegate at daytime and a company logo on the webpage.  

To reserve an exhibition space
To reserve your exhibition space, please contact the conference organizer Demo Meeting at info@oxmi.org or 0046-31-7781130. Please download the registration form for the exhibition area, complete and submit with e-mail to above adress. The Company delegates register on the website.