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List of Invited Speakers and Faculty:

1. Professor Jaako Tuomilehto, Helsinki University, Finland

2. Professor Allan Vaag, Copenhagen University, Denmark

3. Professor Risto Kaaja, Turku University, Finland

4. Professor Peter Damm, Copenhagen University, Denmark

5. Associate professor Malin Flodström Tullberg, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden

Speaker Information

1. Please check that the title of your talk and time allocated is okay in the preliminary program. Any concerns should be communicated directly to the Chariman of the Organizing Committee e-mail: k.i.birkeland@medisin.uio.no

Please note the following regarding your presentation:

1. Presentation file should be handed to the technician in the "Preview room" preferable on a memory stick.

2. The presentation should be delivered in the morning (latest 3 hours before session starts).

3. If you have any odd file format or film we would like to know this in advanced (latest 2 days).
We recommend to bring your laptop or Mac but still bring presentation on a memory stick.