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Congress Date and Language 

The Conference opens on Friday 24 April and closes on Sunday 26 April 2015
The official language is English

Congress Venue & Location 

Clarion Hotel Royal Christiania is where the conference will take place. We have rooms booked for the SSSD participants. Please book your room when register (first come first serve)

More practical information is available under Accommodation, Venue, Airport bus, Official Carrier etc. on the left-handside menu

Certificate of Attendance 

This will be available at the conference. Ask the Congress Organizer, CIC at venue.

Meeting and Hotel Cancellations  

If you need to make any changes please contact Congress Secretariat CIC.
All changes or cancellations must be electronically emailed to cecilie@cic.no

Please note your registration is binding!

Cancellation policy accommodation:
1 night fee for cancellation before 12 March 2015. After this date, no refund possible.

Travel Insurance 

It is recommended that participants obtain adequate cover for travel, health and accident insurance before departing from their countries. SSSD 2015 and organizer CIC cannot accept responsibility for personal injuries, or loss of, or damage to private property belonging to delegates, accompanying persons nor industrial exhibitors.