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Oslo is Norway's capital and largest city and has 634,463 inhabitants (pr. 1 January 2014).
Oslo is known for its topographical peculiarities and its bedrock. The city is characterized by proximity to the forest and a rich flora and fauna. 2/3 of the municipal area consists of forest and water areas outside the town-like, which gives a real population density of 5,221.6 inhabitants’ per. km². The densest part of the city is in the "Oslo gryta" surrounded by green hills. Rivers Alna river, Akers river and Lysaker river flows from the hills, through the Oslo Gryta and into the fjord. A mile east of Oslo S is Ekeberg slope with nature reserve and Stone Age memories of up to 10 400 years back in time. Recreational areas are a short subway ride from downtown.

East of Bjørvika close to Ekeberg is the Old Town, in archeology circles referred to as the “Scandinavia´s Pompeii” due to the thick cultural layers underground. According archaeologists Oslo was established with urban structure around the year 1000. The old town's core area is Northern Europe's largest medieval area after Visby, Gotland, and is entirely protected. Oslo is compact and can easily be explored on foot or by using the efficient bus/tram network.

Located in Bjørvika you will find our beautiful Opera house. http://operaen.no/en/ 
Ekebergparken is a sculpture and national Heritage park for the people of Oslo and visitors looking for a unique experience. http://www.ekebergparken.com/ 

The official website for Oslo:
