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Social Events SSSD 2015

Friday 24th April  

Welcome Reception 19:00 at Oslo City Hall 

(free for registered participants) 

Saturday 25th April     

Congress Dinner 19:30 at Restaurant Festningen

(NOK 450,-) incl. 25% MVA  



Festningen Restaurant

Festningen (Fortress) Restaurant - Culinary guns!
A visit to the stylish Festningen Restaurant is no shot in the dark! With the history and Oslo harbour as neighbor you will be sitting and eating better than most other places. For 700 years the Akershus Fortress has been lying there, impregnable and undefeated. Like a large, dark animal out of the headland, and protected the city, whether it has been called Oslo or Christiania. It has contained a royal castle and garrison, prison and a place of execution, riding hall and the Directorate of Cultural Heritage, museum and church, royal tombs and modern ministries. And certainly it has over the centruries been served everything from porridge to roasted deer, depending on what lewel the invitees were, from a convict or a prince.

Festningen Restaurant opened its doors in October 2013 to all who want to experience a nice meal in historic surroundings. The location must be among Oslo´s best!