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Travel Grants 

Travel grants for the 50th SSSD meeting in Oslo 2015 will be available. The grants are intended to cover a significant part of the travel, accommodation and registration expenses of young colleagues that present abstracts at the meeting. The age limit is 35 years of age (inclusive).

The grants amount to a maximum of 4000 SEK or a maximum of 75 % of total expenses. Upon receipt of verification of expenses and other information (see below) the grant will be paid out in local currency AFTER the meeting by transfer to a bank account of the recipient.

To obtain a travel grant, send the following data:

Name, age, affiliation, postal address, bank account (IBAN and BIC MUST be given), a copy of your abstract and verifications of expenses to:

SSSD, attention Berit Myren
Dept of Internal Medicine
University Hosiptal of Trondheim
7006 Trondheim, Norway