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Welcome to the EUREKA Innovation Week 2016 and to Stockholm. EUREKA is a flexible tool for research and innovation collaborations with more than 40 countries, providing access to key competencies and new markets around the world.

During the EUREKA Innovation Week we will present international collaboration activities hosted by the EUREKA Associated Countries; Canada, South Africa and South Korea, an Innovation event showcasing Smart cities initiatives and on-going activities within the thematic EUREKA Clusters. The event is a perfect opportunity to network and to meet future project partners via the business to business meetings. Our aim is for you to get inspired, gain new ideas, insights as well as making many new contacts with potential business partners during the EUREKA innovation week.

Once again a warm welcome to Stockholm!

Per Tervahauta

Chair Swedish EUREKA Chairmanship





Questions about your registration? Contact Reachem | Tel: +46 (0)8-410 30 150 | info@reachem.se