Guidelines for proposals
Submission of abstracts
You are invited to submit an abstract for a:
- Paper presentation
- Symposium
- Poster
The conference proceedings will be sent for evaluation to be considered for inclusion into the Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI), which is an integrated part of the Web of Science database maintained by Thomson Reuters.
Guidelines for paper presentation, symposium, poster.
An ATEE proposal for paper or symposium presentation must be written in English. The abstract must have between 450 and 500 words (Incl. references) and should include the following sections:
- Research topic/aim
- Theoretical framework
- Methodological design
- Expected conclusions/findings
- Relevance to international educational research
Paper presentation
Paper sessions consist of a presentation and a discussion of papers of an ongoing or completed research project. The time frame of each paper presentation is 20 minutes including discussion. 4 different papers will be presented in each parallel session (in sessions with 3 papers, the time for each paper will be 25 minutes). In the abstract submission it must be specified to which subtheme and ATEE RDCs (network) the author wants to present the paper. A conference attendee will be limited to present a maximum of two papers (as a first author) at the ATEE conference.
A symposium session (60 minutes) builds on a theme and is proposed and planned by a symposium organiser. The papers focus on a common theme. A symposium has a chair (often the organiser) and one or more discussants, who have read the papers in advance. Some symposia will overlap more than one session. The symposium organiser will decide how the symposium is to be organised and the time allotment for each presentation. It is recommended that at least two different countries/national perspectives must be represented in the symposium. In the proposal submission it must be specified to which subtheme and ATEE RDCs (network) the symposium is assigned.
The organiser of the symposium should submit a symposium proposal (as organiser’s text) including all of the following elements:
1. The title of the symposium
2. An abstract describing the entire symposium (450-500 words)
3. The names of the contributors, titles of their presentations and each of their abstracts (450-500 words)
Poster sessions
Poster sessions offer a more informal opportunity to present a project visually rather than orally by means of a poster. During poster sessions, participants present their poster and use a format maximizing interaction between participants and presenters.
The abstract proposal (450-500 words) must describe the focus of the poster. In the abstract, it must be specified to which ATEE RDCs (network) the poster is assigned. Posters should be prepared for the Conference in A0 portrait (84.1 cm wide × 118.9 cm high).
For further information about the networks, see ATEE website RDCs.
The congress language is English and all abstracts must be in English. The online submission of abstracts will be open between January 15th and April 10th 2018. The authors will receive status of their abstract by May 1st, 2018.
If you have any questions, please contact the ATEE 2018 Conference Secretariat at: