Explore the surroundings
Here are some tips for what you can explore in Gävle and in its surroundings. This is only a few of all the things you can do. To find out more visit the website for Gavle Tourist Centre
Furuvik Park, Gävle
Would you like to learn more about our closest relative, the chimpanzee; walk in the rainforest among boas with pygmy marmosets jumping around above your head and walk among the lemur families, where one just might land on your shoulder?
Or perhaps you would like to visit the amusement park, where seventeen rides are waiting to take you on an exciting journey. Welcome to Furuvik!
Information about Furuvik
Wij, a natural landscape garden in Ockelbo
For those who want to experience and learn about gardening, nature, art, crafts and food - or just want to make a trip.
Information about Wij Gardens
Moose Park in Ockelbo
In the Moose Park in Ockelbo you can meet the King at close range. The Park offers recreational activities for the entire family, our own mooseboutiqe and the bodega, food and lodging, guided tours for individual visitors and groups.
Information about the Moose Park
World heritage farmhouses in Hälsingland
Enjoy the farmhouses of Hälsingland. Get the chance to visit world heritage farmhouses, two world heritage center, one four-built farmhouse and a homestad museum in Delsbo. All with high classed indoor paintings, the USP.
More information regarding the world heritage Farmhouses in Hälsingland
Fair Trade Shop in Uppsala
Visit the Fair Trade Shop in Uppsala. Far Trade, or fair trade, aims to improve the conditions of those who produce the goods we consume. By promoting a trade in which human and community development is at focus, poverty and social exclusion can be avoided. Fair Trade is a cooperation between producers, importers, stores and consumers, characterized by openness, reciprocity and respect for all parties. Fair payment, good working conditions, long-term trade relations, and respect for human rights and our environment enable in the long term economic and social development.
More information about the Fairtrade Shop in Uppsala
Go fishing in Gävle
Gavle offers good fishing in central Gävle and it's free if you fish downstream Strömdalens power plant at Boulognerskogen near the University of Gävle. It is required that you always have with you a valid ID card and the fishing permit as proof that you are aware of the fishing rules that apply. Fishing license: in January 2018 launched an email service for fishing licenses, e-service, you can pick up a fishing license.
There are more opportunities and you can get information regarding fishing here: www.visitgavle.se and www.turistmal.se