“Digital Knowledge – The Library and Copyright in a Global Digital Economy”

11 September

18:00 - 19:30
Pre-Conference Evening Welcome Reception (for registered participants)
Hosted by Advokatfirman Vinge KB
Address: Smålandsgatan 20, Stockholm

Day 1. 12 September

Venue: National Library of Sweden, auditorium "Hörsalen"
Address: Humlegården Stockholm
Registration and Coffee
Conference guests are kindly asked to take their seats in the auditorium Hörsalen by 08:45
Welcome & Practical Info from the Conference Planning Committee:
  • Jerker Rydén, National Library of Sweden
  • Sofie Grettve von Rosen, Swedish Intellectual Property Office
  • Kate Parson, EODOPEN, National Library of Sweden
Opening of the Conference
  • Karin Grönvall, National Librarian, National Library of Sweden (SE)
  • Anna Jardfelt, Director General, Swedish Intellectual Property Office (SE)
  • Jan Rosén, Professor, SCCL Stockholm University (SE)
Keynote Speech
  • Shira Perlmutter, Register of Copyrights and Director, U.S. Copyright Office (US)
Session A - Helicopter Perspective
Moderator Prof. Daniel Gervais, Law School Vanderbilt University (US)
  • Dr. Love Börjeson, Head of KB Lab, National Library of Sweden (SE)
  • Jerker Rydén, Senior Legal Adviser, National Library of Sweden (SE)
  • Prof. Noam Shemtov, Queen Mary University of London (UK)
Coffee Break
Session B - Normative Approaches to Regulating AI and Copyright 
Moderator Jukka Liedes, Chair Finnish Copyright Society (FI)
  • Prof. Tatsuhiro Ueno, Waseda University (JP)
  • Prof. Jane Ginsburg, Faculty Director, Kernochan Center for Law, Media, and the Arts, Columbia University (US)
  • Anne le Morvan, Head, Copyright Unit, Ministry of Culture (FR)
  • Emmanuelle du Chalard, Acting Head, Copyright Unit, DG CONNECT (EU)
  • Ulrike Till, Director of Frontier Technologies, WIPO 
Lunch (on-site)
Session C - Training of AI 
Moderator Prof. Jan Rosén, Stockholm Centre of Commercial Law, Stockholm University (SE)
  • James Bennett, Head of Rightsholder Relations and Content Acquisition, Copyright Licensing Agency (UK)
  • Tobias Kempas, Attorney at Law, Advokatfirman Vinge KB (SE)
  • Catherine Zaller Rowland, Vice President and General Counsel, Copyright Clearance Center (US)
  • Anita Huss Ekerhult, CEO and Secretary General, International Federation of Reproduction Rights Organisations
  • Susan Allen, United States Patent and Trademark Office (US)
  • Mats Lindberg, Swedish Copyright Consultants (SE)
Coffee Break
Session D - Output of AI 
Moderator Prof. Eleonora Rosati, Law Faculty, Stockholm University (SE)
  • Prof. Tito Rendas, Executive Dean at Católica Global School of Law, University of Lisbon (PT)
  • Molly Stech, General Counsel, the International Association of Scientific, Technical and Medical Publishers (US)
  • Prof. Alessandro Cogo, Department of Law, University of Turin (IT)
  • Matt Hervey, Partner Head of Artificial Intelligence Law, Gowling WLG LLP (UK)
  • Dr. Paweł Kamocki, Legal Expert CLARIN ERIC / IDS Mannheim
Concluding Summary
Departure by bus from National Library
Evening Reception:
Dinner Buffet at Stockholm City Hall, hosted by the City of Stockholm

Address: Hantverkargatan 1, Stockholm

Day 2. 13 September

Venue: National Library of Sweden, auditorium "Hörsalen" (same as Day 1)
Conference guests are kindly asked to take their seats by 08:45
Session E - Cross-Border Access to Source Material for Research
Introduction: Kate Parson, on behalf of the EODOPEN project, National Library of Sweden (SE)
Moderator Karol Koscinski, Attorney at Law, Karol Koscinski Legal Office/ZAiKS (PL)
  • Anita Huss Ekerhult, IFRRO 
  • Prof. Stef van Gompel, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (NL)
  • Kirsi Salmela, General Counsel, Kopiosto (FI)
  • Dr. Anikó Grad-Gyenge, Vice Dean, Science and Innovation Affairs, Budapest University of Technology and Economics (HU)
  • Jerker Rydén, Senior Legal Adviser, National Library of Sweden (SE)
Coffee Break
Session F - Flexible Norms Facilitating AI in Research in Digital Economy 
Moderator Prof. Alison Firth, Newcastle Law School, Newcastle University (UK)
  • Carlo Scollo Lavizzari, Private Practice (CH)
  • Prof. Daniel Gervais, Law School Vanderbilt University (US)
  • Jukka Liedes, Chair, Finnish Copyright Society (FI)
  • Dr. Rudolf Leška, Štaidl Leška Advokáti, University of Finance and Administration Prague (CZ)
Lunch hosted by Advokatfirman Vinge KB
at Scandic Anglais hotel, directly across the road from the National Library of Sweden
Address: Humlegårdsgatan 23, Stockholm
Session G - Looking into the Future
Moderator Carlo Lavizzari, Private Practice (CH)
  • Simone Procas, VP and Assistant General Counsel, The New York Times Company (US)
  • Bill Thompson, Head of Future Value Research & Principal Research Engineer, BBC R&D (UK)
  • Prof. Alison Firth, Newcastle University (UK)
  • Jukka Liedes, Chair, Finnish Copyright Society (FI)
  • Cecile Christensen, Deputy Director Digital Transformation, Royal Danish Library (DK)
Closing Remarks & Farewell
Treasures from the collections of the National Library presented by 
  • Andreas Hedberg, Associate Professor of Literature, Administrator for Research and Outreach
  • Ulrika Strömquist, Librarian, Collections and Outreach Unit
    A short film in the Hörsal.
    Adjacent to the Hörsal on Level 3, library colleagues present rarities in the Viewing Room (limited capacity)
Boarding Time (sharp!) steamship s/s Motala Express
Location: Strandvägen, dock 18C, Stockholm
The walking distance is 1.1km from the National Library
Sunset Cruise in the Archipelago aboard the s/s Motala Express




With the kind support of Advokatfirman Vinge KB:

The Conference has also been made possible by the kind support of EUIPO: