Food Colloids 2020
Lund, Sweden
Welcome to the 18th Food Colloids Conference: Structure, dynamics and function
19th-22nd of April 2020 in Lund, Sweden
The conference aim is to gather leading international experts from academia and industry to share the latest research and developments in the field of food colloids.
The conference has a long history, starting in 1986 and has since been held at different locations throughout Europe.
Food of the future needs not only to be appealing and nutritious, but will also be required to provide health benefits. Furthermore, food needs to be sustainable throughout the production chain. A challenge is that formulated foods often are colloids that are both complex and polydisperse, both in relation to composition and structure, as well as in terms of changes with time. Clearly the study and understanding of such foods requires a combination of techniques and a new toolbox with unsurpassed spatial and time resolution. As a response to these needs unique large-scale research infrastructures, i.e. the synchrotron MAX IV and the neutron source ESS are being built up in Lund.
Satellite-workshop: Aspects on oral processing of Foods
Date:23rd of April