Conference programme

Plenary session 1 Setting the scene foregrounding dilemmas  
The JPI Urban Europe SRIA update is made with a view to issues and concerns in the wake of international policies such as UN Agenda 2030 SDG 11, UN-Habitat New Urban Agenda, and Urban Agenda for the EU. In this light and to enhance urban transformation capacities and expertise, JPI Urban Europe identifies a need to foreground dilemmas in four transition areas and the wicked issues emerging in their pathways. The first morning session sets the scene and invite cities to share their experiences of dilemmas in policy and practice and related knowledge needs. 

Three cities representing different size and geographical location give concrete and inspiring examples of how science policy cooperation, experimentation, socio-technical innovation and stakeholder involvement can play an important role in local urban transitioning strategies facing dilemmas.

Plenary session 2 Future research priorities for the knowledge hub 
The second morning plenary session focus on future research priorities and presents the main parts of the updated Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda.  JPI Urban Europe has established as a knowledge hub for urban transitions, connecting public authorities, civil society, scientists, innovators, business and industry to provide a new environment for urban research and innovation. The programme advocates a challenge driven approach, exemplified in the ‘Making Cities work’ call launched in 2017 with cities as main stakeholders. A panel with experts will discuss research and policy cooperation in practical terms, reflecting the city case presentations, JPI Urban Europe’s achievements so far and future ambitions described in the SRIA 2.0.

  • How can research and innovation contribute to tackle the dilemmas cities are facing? How to create knowledge and evidence that ’matters’?
  • What do cities expect from research and innovation in the coming years? What do researchers need to meet those expectations?

Break-out session - first steps towards implementation
Exploring four dilemmas  
Four break-out sessions in the afternoon provide room and time for participants at the conference to explore dilemmas in more depth, share experiences and identify specific implementation measures to address the dilemmas in research, policy and practice. In an interactive setting, participants are encouraged to come up with solutions to challenging situations pitched by cities.

  • Digital Transitions in Urban Governance
  • From Urban Resilience to Robustness
  • Sustainable Land-use and Urban Infrastructures
  • Inclusive Urban Public Spaces
Break-out sessions are co-hosted with representatives from the EU Agenda strategic partnerships.

Introducing the “Positive Energy Neighbourhoods” initiative
The fifth break-out session presents the “Positive Energy Neighbourhoods” (PENs) initiative that is to be launched in Spring 2019 through joint efforts between JPI Urban Europe and the SET-plan initiative. The aim of this session is to raise awareness on the topic of PENs and together with city representatives discuss interests, experiences and barriers. Good practice cases will be presented and we will elaborate on the neighbourhoods future possibilities. 

Afternoon plenary session: Teaming up to accelerate urban transitioning 
The afternoon plenary session features a panel of experts from JPI Urban Europe long term partners that reflects on the morning presentations and outcomes from the break-out sessions. The session opens up for a discussion on the relevance of science policy cooperation for meeting the SDG:s and the role of JPI Urban Europe in coming years.  

Topics for discussion:
  • What is the role of JPI Urban Europe, in a future landscape of partnerships and within Horizon Europe, the ninth European Research and Innovation framework under preparation?  
  • How can Urban Europe support the next phase of the Urban Agenda of the EU?
  • What’s the added value JPI Urban Europe brings to the ERA and SDGs/Urban Agenda?
  • What are the key determinants for a successful implementation of the SRIA 2.0 in the coming years?

After the closing of the event all participants are invited to networking with food and refreshments in the Atrium at the conference venue.