The conference is now fully booked - new registrations will be put on the waiting list
Urban Transitioning - A Joint Adventure
Welcome to the fourth JPI Urban Europe policy conference with the main aim to launch the the updated Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA2.0) and to provide an arena for discussions and exchange on urban transitions.
Start: Tuesday 12 February 2019 at 09.00, please be in time to go through security
End: Wednesday 13 February 2019 at 13.15
Venue: The Committee of the Regions, Rue Belliard/Belliardstraat 101, Brussels

Launch of the JPI Urban Europe SRIA 2.0 foregrounding dilemmas
The SRIA 2.0, with priorities for 2020-2026, has been refurbished with a view to issues and concerns in the wake of international policies. In this light and to enhance urban transformation capacities and expertise, JPI Urban Europe has identified a need to foreground dilemmas in four transition areas and the wicked issues emerging in their pathways.
Join the JPI Urban Europe community
We invite you to explore the dilemma driven-approach and define the first steps towards implementation of the SRIA 2.0. Join urban practitioners and policymakers, researchers, European institutions and organisations and engage in discussions and networking. Listen to city leaders describe how experimentation, socio-technical innovation and stakeholder involvement can play an important role in local urban transition strategies. Together with other participants, apply your own knowledge and experience in interactive break-out sessions.
The SRIA 2.0 will be launched at the day of the conference and made available at the website. In conjunction with the conference, other events such as a Walkshop and meetings within the Making Cities Work call, the Urban Europe Research Alliance and the SET Plan PEN Programme will be arranged.
Read more about dilemmas at
The conference is co-hosted by the European Committee of the Regions and European Commission DG RTD. Break-out sessions are set up in collaboration with partnerships of the Urban Agenda for the EU and other networks and organisations.
Target group:
This conference welcomes all actors interested in sustainable urban development, such as policy-makers, mayors, city administration, urban practitioners, urban experts and researchers, representatives from Member States, Brussels-based urban networks and European institutions dealing with urban matters.
Contact: Klara Broms Seving,, +4670-896 32 78